415-254-7786 Appointment

DAXXIFYin Marin County, CA

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Revitalizing Results

Redefining Youthful Radiance with DAXXIFY in Marin County, CA

DAXXIFY is your gateway to a renewed and revitalized you. Our advanced medical aesthetics practice at Haus of Marin in scenic Marin County, CA, is dedicated to enhancing your beauty and confidence through cutting-edge treatments. Designed to address various cosmetic concerns, this new neuromodulator offers a revolutionary approach that goes beyond traditional methods like Botox. Let us guide you through the wonders of DAXXIFY in Marin and how it can bring out the best in you.

DAXXIFY at Haus of Marin Medical Aesthetics

Haus of Marin Medical Aesthetics is a top-notch Med Spa for beauty and self-care located in the heart of Marin County. Our team of highly-trained professionals provides tailored treatment plans to meet your specific needs. We offer advanced DAXXIFY procedures to ensure you get the desired results without compromising your safety and comfort.

Reduces the Appearance of Wrinkles and Fine Lines

What is DAXXIFY?

At our office in Marin DAXXIFY is a groundbreaking medical aesthetics treatment that offers a powerful solution to combat a wide range of signs of aging while accentuating your inherent beauty. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, this revolutionary procedure precisely targets specific areas of concern, triggering a remarkable boost in collagen production. As a result, this injectible made of DaxibotulinumtoxinA effectively reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, delivering naturally smoother and more youthful skin. Unlike Botox, which involves temporary muscle paralysis, this brand-new formula harnesses the body's own natural processes to achieve enduring and subtle enhancements, ensuring results that stand the test of time. Say goodbye to the limitations of conventional treatments and experience the transformative effects of DAXXIFY, unlocking a renewed and radiant version of yourself.

DAXXIFY vs. Botox

While both DAXXIFY and Botox aim to reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate your appearance, they differ in their approach. This new formular relies on your body's natural collagen production, leading to more natural-looking results. In contrast, Botox temporarily blocks nerve signals, resulting in a frozen appearance. Additionally, DAXXIFY's effects are longer-lasting than Botox, providing you with extended periods of youthful radiance.

Marin DAXXIFY model with dark hair
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Quality of Life

What are the benefits of DAXXIFY?

DAXXIFY offers a plethora of benefits that can significantly enhance your quality of life. Some advantages of this cutting-edge treatment include:

  • Smooths wrinkles and fine lines for a more youthful appearance
  • Restores volume and plumpness to the face
  • Enhances facial contours, providing a well-defined look
  • Improves skin texture and elasticity
  • Minimizes the appearance of scars and stretch marks
  • Non-invasive and virtually painless procedure
  • Little to no downtime for a fast recovery

Feel Rejuvenated

DAXXIFY Candidates

DAXXIFY is a versatile treatment suitable for individuals seeking a rejuvenated look without resorting to surgery. Ideal candidates include those with concerns about wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and loss of facial volume. However, patients with certain health conditions, allergies, or pregnant women may not be suitable candidates. Our experienced specialists will conduct a thorough evaluation during your consultation to determine your eligibility.

Marin DAXXIFY model with brown hair

Prepping for Treatment

Consultation and Preparation

During your consultation at Haus of Marin, our experts will discuss your aesthetic goals and evaluate whether DAXXIFY is the right solution for you. You will receive detailed information about the procedure, its benefits, and expected results. To prepare for the treatment, you may need to avoid certain medications and follow specific skincare routines to ensure optimal results.


The DAXXIFY procedure begins with the application of a numbing agent to minimize discomfort. Using precise techniques, our skilled practitioners will administer the treatment, targeting the specific areas you wish to enhance. The procedure typically takes between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the extent of the treatment.

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

Following your treatment with DAXXIFY Marin patients may experience some redness and minor swelling, which should subside within a few days. Results will gradually appear as collagen production increases, providing you with a natural and refreshed appearance. To maintain the effects of DAXXIFY, it is essential to protect your skin from sun exposure and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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Keep Up the Good Looks

Why Haus of Marin?

At Haus of Marin, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction. Our team of highly-skilled professionals is dedicated to delivering exceptional results while ensuring a comfortable and stress-free experience. With our state-of-the-art facility and advanced DAXXIFY treatments, you can trust us to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Bring Us Your Questions!

Schedule Your Marin County, CA DAXXIFY consultation at Haus of Marin Medical Aesthetics Today

Experience the transformative power of DAXXIFY and unlock your true beauty. Contact us today to schedule your consultation at our Marin County Med Spa. Take the first step towards a rejuvenated and confident you!

DAXXIFYFrequently Asked Questions

DAXXIFY is a safe and FDA-approved treatment that has shown excellent results in addressing various cosmetic concerns.

While both treatments aim to reduce wrinkles, DAXXIFY stimulates natural collagen production for more natural-looking and longer-lasting results compared to Botox.

The frequency of follow-up treatments depends on individual factors and desired outcomes. Our experts will guide you on the ideal treatment plan during your consultation.

If you have concerns about wrinkles, fine lines, or loss of facial volume, you may be an excellent candidate for DAXXIFY. However, our specialists will assess your eligibility during your consultation.

The cost of DAXXIFY varies depending on the treatment area and individual needs. Our team will provide a personalized quote during your consultation.

Book Your Appointment Today

Our obsession with exceptional results is rivaled only by our passion for creating a fun and rejuvenating experience from the moment you walk in our door. Schedule your first treatment today, or set up a consultation to get assistance creating a treatment tailored to your needs. We offer virtual and in-person consultations, so it’s easy to get started at any time. See you soon!

29 First Street Suite 100, Corte Madera, CA 94924